Looking Good!

Mama was right! You should always try to look your best and that goes for the look of your retail store or booth, too. A welcoming, attractive and pleasant atmosphere will draw more customers - and their money!

How to Make our Products Look Good!

The best way to display our products is to wear them. Ladies, wear our Magic Tops or complete outfits everyday and at every show. Have your staff wear them too. You'll be amazed at the difference this will make in your sales.


MANNEQUINS and BODY FORMS are equally important. Dress table top mannequins in our Magic Tops and standing mannequins or hanging body forms in outfits. Customers love to buy entire outfits, so if you show them, they will buy! Trust us on this.

For your convenience, we offer table top mannequins and hanging/standing body forms on our Display and Merchandising page.


RACKS are a great way to show a lot of hanging shirts, skirts and jackets in a small amount of space. Popcorn shirts are not meant to be hung, but all other styles of shirts (Origami, Mini Pleat, Magic Crush, etc.) hang well. Customers are used to seeing clothing displayed on racks, so it's convenient for you and easy for them. Racks come stationary, folding or rolling. A great online source for rolling racks is www.onlymannequins.com

Cheap hangers make your products look cheap,
better hangers make your products look expensive.
You can also use hangers instead of hanging body forms on your walls, but for maximum effect, use good ones.


We offer a wide selection of hangers for tops, skirts or to show both together. You can see all of them on our on  Display and Merchandising page.   

Velvet hangers prevent clothing from sliding off the hanger and onto the floor. Joy Mangano velvet hangers work great and are available at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target as well as www.hsn.com




Although most of our products are packable and crushable, on occasion an item may come in with a crease from packaging or a disconcerting wrinkle or two. Touch up as necessary by spritzing or steaming. Make every item look perfect and ready to wear. 


Displays and Decorations

Our line doesn't have to take much space to sell. You can use as little as a small area on a counter top or a single hanging body form on a wall to an entire area in your store. Many stores start with a small area and then expand as sales and interest increase. 


Use wall space to display hanging body forms dressed in tops or full outfits. Be creative about mixing and matching skirts with tops. Customers love to buy entire outfits, so the more you show, the more you'll sell.

Hang signs on the wall next to or near the items to call attention to the product or to show the price. Signs might indicate that the item is reversible or that it never needs ironing. Your customers' eyes will be drawn to the item by the proper use of signs.

Our body forms can stand alone on tables or counter tops. Dress them in Magic Tops and surround the form with more of the shirts. You can also use an attractive lined wicker basket filled with shirts. Customers love to feel and touch our tops, so make it easy for them to do so.

Make sure your table covers compliment the items you're selling. Choose solid covers in a neutral shade that let the products shine on their own without competition from the table cover.

A great tip is to get a table cover long enough to almost touch the ground. You can store extra stock under the table. Just make sure to arrange the cover so that no one trips over the bottom edges.

Showing our Popcorn Shirts in baskets or other containers is a great space-saving idea. They can be placed on the floor, on a counter top or table. You can separate styles by container or put them all together in one.

Adding greenery or decorations can add a homey feeling to your booth or store. Just make sure it isn't overdone. Remember that you're selling Magic Scarf products, not the decorations.


Go Ahead, Try it On

One of the great things about our line is that no dressing room is needed. Customers are fine with trying on our products over the clothes they're wearing, so go ahead and encourage them to do so. Their excitement will ripple through the store and make a fun shopping experience for everyone there. And it's sure to increase your sales!

Make sure there's a mirror handy so they can see how good they look. Inexpensive door mirrors are available at Target or similar stores.


Posters and Signage

Our Popcorn Poster is an ideal way to let your customers know that you carry popcorn shirts. We offer a FREE Popcorn Poster to every customer, available on our Display and Merchandising page. 11" x 17"

We also offer FREE signage to help your sales. These 8.5" x 11" signs promote many of our most popular styles and are available on our Display and Merchandising page.

Hang signs on the wall next to or near the items to call attention to the product or to show the price. Signs might indicate that the item is reversible or that it never needs ironing. Your customers' eyes will be drawn to the item by proper use of signs.



Can You Hear Me Now?

Music may be soothing to the soul, but choose your sound carefully. Select something non-offensive, soothing and smooth. Instrumentals are usually a safe choice and remember to keep the volume at a reasonable level.


 What's that Smell?

 Make sure your store or show space has no odors. Are your carpets clean? Is your neighbor eating cabbage? The best smell is no smell at all. Fabreez is very helpful in eliminating unwanted odors and adds a fresh scent that will help with your sales.


  Follow these tips and suggestions and you're sure to see your sales increase.

  Good luck!