Home Parties

Home parties are a great way to make $$ by selling our line. Start by hosting a party with your friends. The idea is for your friends to then book parties, and then their friends, and before you know it, you’ll have a whole network of customers.

The goal is to MAKE IT FUN and to offer an incentive for hosting and booking parties.

Here’s how to start:


1. Call all of your friends and invite them to come to your house and see our line

2. Tell them to bring their friends

3. Place an order with Magic Scarf for whatever items you plan to sell. 
       - You can take orders from samples that you show, as long as what you show is in stock             
       - You can buy stock and sell it at the show

4.  Make sure you have enough mannequins and body forms for display. Remember that we sell all of these and have FREE Popcorn Posters in our Display and Merchandising section.

5. Price all items and learn prices so you can answer pricing questions

6. Refer to our website or Selling Points page so you’ll be familiar each product’s features and qualities. You can print out pages from our website as a reference. Practice before the sale so you’ll know what to say.



1. Make it fun and festive: provide music, cheese, crackers, wine or some other simple snack

2.  You can have an informal gathering where there’s no presentation or have everyone sit down while you talk about the line. Either is fine and your decision.






1.  Tally your sales and place an order with Magic Scarf to fulfill orders you’ve taken

2.  Deliver orders to your customers or have them pick up the orders

3.  Keep records of what your friends (customers) ordered for future reference

4.  Call your customer regularly to see if they need anything else

5.  Check with previous hosts to see if they’d like to host again

With time, you will have created a large customer base for repeat sales and repeat parties. Good luck!