Selling at Corporations

Many large corporations welcome outside vendors to sell their wares at their location. Our products are perfect for companies that employ a large percentage of women. Management sees it as a convenience to their employees to have quality merchandise brought to their door. Lunch hour and breaks can be a lively time for sales in corporate lobbies and cafeterias across America. These venues can be very successful for you.

Much like sales in hospitals and nursing homes, these sales generally are one or two days, where you bring product to sell to employees of the corporation.  At the end of the sale, you will give a percentage of your sales to the corporation's favorite charity, local school or follow whatever guidelines may exist.

How to begin selling at Corporations

1. Make a list of all of the corporations in the area you'd like to target.

2. Call each one and get the name and phone number of the person in charge of outside vendor sales (or whatever that particular corporation calls it). You'll find out whether or not each corporation on your list allows outside vendors.

3. Call or send each one of them a letter requesting a date for your sale. You can use the letter below as an example.

4. Follow up each letter with a phone call to set a date.

Once you have a set date

1. Place an order with Magic Scarf for whatever items you plan to sell. We can help you with the quantity to order. Leave plenty of time for regular ground shipping and to organize your sale.

2 Make sure you have enough mannequins and body forms for display. Remember that we sell all of these and have FREE Popcorn Posters in our Display and Merchandising section.

3. Price all items and learn prices so you can answer pricing questions. 

4. Refer to our website or Selling Points page to become familiar each product’s features and qualities. You can print out website pages as a reference. Practice before the sale so you’ll know what to say.

5. Find out from your contact at the corporation where you selling spot will be, what they provide and what you'll have to bring: tables, table covers, chairs, racks for clothing, etc. 

During the Sale

1. Make sure to have plenty of change with you

2. Be watchful so that no one walks off without paying you 

3. Have fun!

After the Sale

1. Talk to your contact and give them the promised percentage of your sale.

2. If you'd like to sell there again, make a date or tell them you'll call to book a date.

3. Note which items sold well and which didn't so you'll know what to order for your next show.

4. Enjoy your profits! 

  Use this letter to sell our products at corporations
   See the letter below or print out the printable version  

Printable version of letter to corporations


Today’s date


Name person in charge of outside vendor sales
Name of corporation
City, State Zip

Dear (person in charge of outside vendor sales),

With everyone so busy these days, wouldn’t it be nice if your employees could shop in the convenience of their workplace and donate to a good cause at the same time? They can, by shopping at my mobile sale!

I sell a popular line of women’s fashions and accessories and am interested in booking a date to sell at your company as an outside vendor. Our clothing is all one size, packable, crushable EZ care fashions that are great for travel and every day. They’re priced to sell, with many items under $20.00, so there’s something affordable for everyone. You can see the line at and I’d love to show you pieces in person at your convenience.

I’ll be happy to give your company a percentage of the sales to donate to your favorite charity or to work within whatever guidelines may currently exist for outside vendor sales.

I will call you this week to see what date works for you and your company. I look forward to working with you!



Your name
Your phone number